There is no question that Motherhood is a sacrifice. But it just might be the journey to your dreams. Sharing a story today on that thought.


Is Motherhood where dreams go to die? A thought that crossed my mind one day.

And it was such a weird thought. But I was feeling some kind of way about not being able to pursue some of the things that I wanted to pursue at the time.

Yeah, yeah selfish thought, I know. But it was a real thought, none the less.

You see, I remember asking my mom just a few years back, what she wanted to be when she was growing up. And to my surprise, she said a model! It caught me off guard at first but then I thought, that makes sense. After all, growing up, I thought my mom was THE best dresser.

She loved shopping and she loved clothes, shoes, and hats. And seemingly had a great grasp on style.  She was tall with high cheekbones, thanks to our Native American heritage. She worked some in Baltimore and New York. So yeah, I could totally see her modeling back in the day. But at my age then, what did I know?

But I often think about what happened in her life that kept her from pursuing her dreams.

I was sure getting married and raising a family were among the top reasons. And when I asked her, she kind of alluded to it. But did not flat out say it.

And it made me think about myself and dreams that I once had. It also made me think of women in general.

How most often our dreams are put on the shelf, pushed to the side, to the back burner so to speak. Or just left in the back of our minds, in order to raise our children and care for our families.

And it’s often bittersweet.

But I have been so very fortunate to have done many of the things that I’ve wanted to do, since leaving my career of over a decade to homeschool our kids.

And interestingly enough, I’m doing so many things that I have never even dreamed of doing.

Things that were NOT part of my goals or plans.

So, I’m wondering if there is a “hidden” gift of moms. In motherhood.

The hidden gift to dream of one thing, then upon having kids, we’re launched into our true destiny…like what God really intended for us!

Some days, I just don’t know. But I will always trust the One who does.

So, mama, if life after kids got you feeling some kind of way, you are not alone.

This is a little encouragement for you.

Motherhood may not be what you dreamed of, but it just may be the journey to what you were truly made for.

Hang in there!

So, motherhood isn’t where dreams go to die?

No, God uses motherhood as a place where dreams are fulfilled.

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